Tag Archives: aggression

What Is True Strength? (Pt. I)


Since time immemorial humankind has bent its knee to strength, or at least a certain vague notion of  it.  Incalculable amounts of effort and toil have been expended by countless individuals, armies, kingdoms, governments and corporations in the pursuit of this amorphous idea of Strength.  Actually, power is the end result they all sought, but Strength was glorified because it was seen as  the ultimate prerequisite for power.

Might makes right... uh, right?

We live in a world that has always valued Strength above all other qualities.  So much so that it has been deified and worshiped (hence I capitalize it to emphasize this cultural deification).  In Greek mythology, the Titans were the gods who ruled before the Olympians (Zeus, Poseidon, etc.), and Cratus was the Titan of Strength.  In fact, in words that reference social power like aristocracy and theocracy, the –-cracy part comes from the name Cratus which means “strength” or “power,” so the deification of strength is embedded even in our language. Continue reading